Sun Life Financial is listed on the Toronto (TSX) , New York (NYSE) and Philippine (PSE) exchanges under the symbol ” SLF “.
Sun Life Financial has more than 2,300 advisors and distribution partners in Hong Kong and approximately 420,000 customers .
Sun Life Financial of Canada is one of the largest insurance and asset management companies in the world today, and has always been a leader in the financial services sector. China Everbright Group is an important backbone enterprise under central management. In 2003 , the two companies jointly established Everbright Sun Life Insurance Company. The company adheres to the principles of honesty, integrity, customer-oriented, pursuit of excellence and value creation, and vigorously develops its business.
About Mizuho Financial Group
Mizuho Financial Group was formed on September 29 , 2000 by Dai-ichi Kangyo Bank, Fuji Bank and Industrial Bank of Japan. It was established in January 2003 with a capital of 1.5409 trillion yen , making it the largest financial group in the world. Before the merger of Mitsubishi Tokyo Financial Group and UFJ Financial Group ( Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group ) , it was the largest financial group in Japan in terms of assets. The group has 1,200 employees, which is also the largest among Japanese financial holding companies in terms of staff size.
The group has four major financial institutions under its jurisdiction, including Mizuho Bank, Mizuho Corporate Bank and Mizuho Trust Bank, as well as Mizuho Securities.
Mizuho Bank is mainly engaged in personal banking business, but since Japan has already allowed mixed operations, it also acts as an agent for personal investment trusts, financial bonds and personal insurance business. Mizuho Corporate Bank operates corporate annuities, corporate business and syndicated loan business. Mizuho Trust Bank used to only be able to operate long-term financial business, but now it can also operate personal banking business and real estate business, such as land trusts, real estate sales intermediaries, real estate appraisals, residential sales services, etc.
In addition to traditional securities business, Mizuho Securities has also developed new businesses, such as the Japan Investment Environment Research Institute, investment fund management company, non-performing asset disposal company, energy service company, etc.
About Zurich Financial Services Group
Zurich Financial Services ( Zurich ), founded in 1872 and headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, is the first multinational insurance company in Switzerland.
Zurich Financial Services Group is a financial services organization with insurance as its core business. Its global network of branches and offices covers North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and other markets. Zurich Financial Services Group is one of the top 100 companies in Fortune Magazine’s Global 500. It ranked 63rd in the latest list published in 2006. Zurich Financial Services Group’s financial strength is based on a sound and focused business development strategy, and has been rated “A+” by Standard & Poor’s .